Friday, September 22, 2006

Swanning about in Snowdonia

Simon Jenkins writing in today's Guardian produced a sensitive account of the important political and aesthetic balance between the paper's ‘older, subtler’ yet ‘dusty’ members and the more recent ‘slick, metropolitan’ but politically ‘wind-blown’ newer folk. ‘Folk’ might aptly describe the culture of the nature-loving and often consciously amusing Guardian stalwarts characterised by Jenkins. The serious side is, he explains, that a poetic appreciation of nature and the idea that a newspaper can provide a more complete picture of the world by allowing breathing-space for more soulful - as opposed to factual - content must hold some truth.

Perhaps the next wallchart could involve politicians in the guises of fauna of the world, drawn in that textbook style that just looks so good on a poster. Nope, I see it's felines again. Although tino may well boycott that edition to show his disapproval at the way Simon Jenkin's article dismisses out of hand the once-proud muffin, placing it with the sandals and rambling canes of the fusty reader. Tino enjoys them, and he likes them chunky.

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